Thursday, July 2, 2015

An Exercise in Profiling a Go Program

Recently, while working on my current project ogonori, a Go client for the OrientDB database, I found that I had a defect in the code that encodes and decodes integer values in the way that the OrientDB binary network protocol requires (namely zigzag encoding, followed by encoding that output as a variable length integer).

After fixing the issue, first with the encoder and then with the decoder, I decided that I should do an exhaustive test of all 64 bit integers: start with MinInt64 (-9223372036854775808), zigzag-encode it, varint encode it, then varint decode it and zigzag-decode it and you should get back the number you started with. Increment by 1 and try it again, until you reach MaxInt64 (9223372036854775807).

(Note: I only have to use the Min/Max range of signed integers, since OrientDB is a Java database and only allows signed ints.)

I ran a small range of the possible 64-bit integer space and found that doing this exhaustive test was going to take a very long time. Since I have 8 CPUs on my system, I decided to first parallelize the test into 8 separate goroutines, each taking 1/8 of the total range:

type testrange struct {
start int64
end int64
func zigzagExhaustiveTest() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
fnRangeTester := func(fnum int, tr testrange, chfailures chan string) {
fmt.Printf("FN %d STARTED\n", fnum)
defer wg.Done()
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
for i := tr.start; i != tr.end; i++ {
in := i
zzin := varint.ZigzagEncodeUInt64(in)
err := varint.VarintEncode(buf, zzin)
if err != nil {
chfailures <- fmt.Sprintf("Failed on %d: varintEncode err: %v", i, err)
zzout, err := varint.ReadVarIntToUint(buf)
if err != nil {
chfailures <- fmt.Sprintf("Failed on %d: ReadVarIntToUint err: %v", i, err)
if zzin != zzout {
chfailures <- fmt.Sprintf("Failed on %d: ReadVarIntToUint zzin != zzout: %d != %d", i, zzin, zzout)
out := varint.ZigzagDecodeInt64(zzout)
if in != out {
chfailures <- fmt.Sprintf("Failed on %d: ReadVarIntToUint in != out: %d != %d", i, in, out)
fmt.Printf("FN %d is DONE\n", fnum)
ranges := []testrange{
{-9223372036854775808, -6917529027641081856},
{-6917529027641081855, -4611686018427387904},
{-4611686018427387903, -2305843009213693952},
{-2305843009213693951, -1},
{0, 2305843009213693952},
{2305843009213693953, 4611686018427387904},
{4611686018427387905, 6917529027641081855},
{6917529027641081856, 9223372036854775807},
failchan := make(chan string, 10)
for i, trange := range ranges {
go fnRangeTester(i, trange, failchan)
go func() {
// main thread monitors for failures, waiting for the failchan to be closed
for failmsg := range failchan {
view raw testrange.go hosted with ❤ by GitHub

With this code, I spawn 8 threads, running 10 goroutines. Eight of them do the encoding/decoding test and if any integer encode/decode fails the test it is written to "failure channel" of type chan string, which the main goroutine monitors.

A sync.WaitGroup (a counting semaphore) is created and shared among the goroutines. When each "range tester" finishes, it calls Done() on the WaitGroup to decrement the semaphore. The final (nameless) goroutine waits until all "range tester" goroutines have finished and then closes the single shared failure channel.

Closing of the failure channel, causes the loop over that channel in the main goroutine to exit and the whole program finishes.

/* ---[ Performance Baseline ]--- */

I fired this up with the following smaller testrange:

    ranges := []testrange{
        {100000001, 150000001},
        {200000001, 250000001},
        {300000001, 350000000},
        {400000001, 450000000},
        {500000001, 550000000},
        {600000001, 650000000},
        {700000001, 750000000},
        {800000001, 850000000},

and ran top. To my surprise I was only using ~400% CPU, rather than ~800% (the max my system supports):

$ top -d1
 PID USER      PR  ... S  %CPU %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                                                       
1736 midpete+  20  ... S 420.9  0.0   1:31.33 ogonori

I then looked at the CPU usage of each thread using the -H option to top and saw that my 8 range-tester goroutines were each using only about 50% CPU. And that there was a 9th thread that was also consistently using 40 to 50% CPU. My guess was that this was a GC thread.

$ top -d1 -H
 PID USER      PR  ...  S %CPU %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                                                        
1740 midpete+  20  ...  S 50.1  0.0   0:21.47 ogonori                                                        
1744 midpete+  20  ...  R 50.1  0.0   0:21.52 ogonori                                                        
1742 midpete+  20  ...  S 49.2  0.0   0:21.38 ogonori                                                        
1736 midpete+  20  ...  S 47.2  0.0   0:21.53 ogonori                                                        
1738 midpete+  20  ...  S 46.2  0.0   0:22.11 ogonori                                                        
1745 midpete+  20  ...  R 46.2  0.0   0:20.37 ogonori                                                        
1741 midpete+  20  ...  S 45.2  0.0   0:21.41 ogonori                                                        
1743 midpete+  20  ...  R 42.3  0.0   0:21.26 ogonori                                                        
1739 midpete+  20  ...  S 40.3  0.0   0:21.35 ogonori                                                        
1737 midpete+  20  ...  S  3.9  0.0   0:02.07 ogonori                  

So I have an algorithm that should be trivially parallelizable with no shared memory and no contention (in theory), but it was only using half the CPU available to it. Hmmm...

Next I ran the test on my system several times to get a baseline performance metric:

$ time ./ogonori -z  # the -z switch tells the ogonori code to only this
                     # benchmark rather than the usual OrientDB tests

Run1: real    3m44.602s
Run2: real    3m42.818s
Run3: real    3m28.917s

Avg ± StdErr:  218.8 ± 5 sec

Then I remembered I had not turned off the CPU power saving throttling on my Linux system (it was set to ondemand), so I ran the following script and repeated the benchmarks:

for i in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu[0-7]
    echo performance > $i/cpufreq/scaling_governor

$ time ./ogonori -z
Run1: real    2m12.605s
Run2: real    2m12.382s
Run3: real    2m13.172s
Run4: real    2m18.992s
Run5: real    2m17.538s
Run6: real    2m14.437s

Avg ± StdErr:  134.9 ± 1 sec

Wow, OK. So that alone gave me about a 60% improvement in throughput. Off to a good start.

/* ---[ Profiling the Code ]--- */

If you've never read Russ Cox's 2011 blog post on profiling a Go program, put it on your list - it is a treat to read.

Using what I learned there, I profiled the zigzagExhaustiveTest code to see how and where to improve it.

$ ./ogonori -z

I then opened the .prof file with golang's pprof tool and looked at the top 10 most heavily used functions:

$ rlwrap go tool pprof ogonori
  # Using rlwrap gives you bash-like behavior and history

(pprof) top 10
171.48s of 255.92s total (67.01%)
Dropped 171 nodes (cum <= 1.28s)
Showing top 10 nodes out of 36 (cum >= 8.78s)
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
    45.98s 17.97% 17.97%     45.98s 17.97%  scanblock
    25.63s 10.01% 27.98%     33.58s 13.12%  runtime.mallocgc
    19.20s  7.50% 35.48%    111.35s 43.51%  g/q/o/o/b/varint.ReadVarIntToUint
    14.94s  5.84% 41.32%     15.62s  6.10%  bytes.(*Buffer).grow
    12.44s  4.86% 46.18%     12.44s  4.86%  runtime.MSpan_Sweep
    11.87s  4.64% 50.82%     15.93s  6.22%  bytes.(*Buffer).Read
    11.33s  4.43% 55.25%     21.56s  8.42%  bytes.(*Buffer).WriteByte
    11.18s  4.37% 59.62%     11.18s  4.37%  runtime.futex
    10.13s  3.96% 63.57%     19.16s  7.49%  bytes.(*Buffer).Write
     8.78s  3.43% 67.01%      8.78s  3.43%  runtime.memmove

(pprof) top10 -cum
110.32s of 255.92s total (43.11%)
Dropped 171 nodes (cum <= 1.28s)
Showing top 10 nodes out of 36 (cum >= 25.50s)
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
         0     0%     0%    147.62s 57.68%  runtime.goexit
     2.94s  1.15%  1.15%    147.49s 57.63%  main.func·018
    19.20s  7.50%  8.65%    111.35s 43.51%  g/q/o/o/b/varint.ReadVarIntToUint
         0     0%  8.65%     77.81s 30.40%  GC
    45.98s 17.97% 26.62%     45.98s 17.97%  scanblock
     4.90s  1.91% 28.53%     38.48s 15.04%  runtime.newobject
    25.63s 10.01% 38.55%     33.58s 13.12%  runtime.mallocgc
     6.65s  2.60% 41.15%     31.39s 12.27%  g/q/o/o/b/varint.VarintEncode
         0     0% 41.15%     30.48s 11.91%  System
     5.02s  1.96% 43.11%     25.50s  9.96%  encoding/binary.Read

We can see that a significant percentage of time (>30%) is being spent in GC, so the program is generating a lot of garbage somewhere - plus the cost of generating new heap data, which the runtime.mallocgc figure tells me is at least 13% of the program run time.

Remember that there are four steps to my algorithm:

  1. zigzag encode (varint.ZigzagEncodeUInt64)
  2. varint encode (varint.VarintEncode)
  3. varint decode (varint.ReadVarIntToUint)
  4. zigzag decode (varint.ZigzagDecodeInt64)

The zigzag encode/decode steps are simple bit manipulations, so they are fast. Typing web at the pprof prompt launches an SVG graph of where time was spent. The zigzag functions don't even show up - they were dropped off as being too small (not shown here).

So I needed to focus on steps 2 and 3 which take (cumulatively) 43.5% and 12.3%, respectively.

Since varint.ReadVarIntToUint is the biggest offender let's look at it in detail in the pprof tool:

(pprof) list varint.ReadVarIntToUint
Total: 4.27mins
ROUTINE ======================== g/q/o/o/b/varint.ReadVarIntToUint
19.20s 1.86mins (flat, cum) 43.51% of Total
370ms 370ms 60:func ReadVarIntToUint(r io.Reader) (uint64, error) {
. . 61: var (
130ms 130ms 62: varbs []byte
230ms 4.65s 63: ba [1]byte
190ms 6.51s 64: u uint64
. . 65: n int
90ms 90ms 66: err error
. . 67: )
. . 68:
380ms 380ms 69: varbs = make([]byte, 0, 10)
. . 70:
. . 71: /* ---[ read in all varint bytes ]--- */
. . 72: for {
-> 3.74s 16.83s 73: n, err = r.Read(ba[:])
740ms 740ms 74: if err != nil {
. . 75: return 0, oerror.NewTrace(err)
. . 76: }
20ms 20ms 77: if n != 1 {
. . 78: return 0, oerror.IncorrectNetworkRead{Expected: 1, Actual: n}
. . 79: }
3.83s 3.83s 80: varbs = append(varbs, ba[0])
930ms 930ms 81: if IsFinalVarIntByte(ba[0]) {
520ms 520ms 82: varbs = append(varbs, byte(0x0))
. . 83: break
. . 84: }
. . 85: }
. . 86:
. . 87: /* ---[ decode ]--- */
-> 280ms 14.82s 88: var buf bytes.Buffer
40ms 40ms 89: if len(varbs) == 1 {
. . 90: buf.WriteByte(varbs[0])
. . 91:
. . 92: } else {
. . 93: var right, left uint
750ms 750ms 94: for i := 0; i < len(varbs)-1; i++ {
80ms 80ms 95: right = uint(i) % 8
340ms 340ms 96: left = 7 - right
40ms 40ms 97: if i == 7 {
. . 98: continue
. . 99: }
660ms 660ms 100: vbcurr := varbs[i]
1.16s 1.16s 101: vbnext := varbs[i+1]
. . 102:
10ms 10ms 103: x := vbcurr & byte(0x7f)
510ms 510ms 104: y := x >> right
660ms 660ms 105: z := vbnext << left
-> 1.28s 15.93s 106: buf.WriteByte(y | z)
. . 107: }
. . 108: }
. . 109:
-> 130ms 8.53s 110: padTo8Bytes(&buf)
-> 1.68s 32.41s 111: err = binary.Read(&buf, binary.LittleEndian, &u)
120ms 120ms 112: if err != nil {
. . 113: return 0, err
. . 114: }
290ms 290ms 115: return u, nil

I've marked the biggest time sinks with an arrow on the left side. Generally one should start with the biggest bottleneck, so let's rank these by cumulative time (2nd col):

->  32.41s   111:   err = binary.Read(&buf, binary.LittleEndian, &u)
->  16.83s    73:   n, err = r.Read(ba[:])
->  15.93s   106:   buf.WriteByte(y | z)
->  14.82s    88:   var buf bytes.Buffer
->   8.53s   110:   padTo8Bytes(&buf)

First, it is very interesting how expensive creating a bytes.Buffer is. But first we need to deal with binary.Read.

(pprof) list binary.Read
Total: 4.27mins
5.02s 25.50s (flat, cum) 9.96% of Total
. . 137:// When reading into a struct, all non-blank fields must be exported.
330ms 330ms 138:func Read(r io.Reader, order ByteOrder, data interface{}) error {
. . 139: // Fast path for basic types and slices.
430ms 2.85s 140: if n := intDataSize(data); n != 0 {
240ms 6.85s 141: var b [8]byte
130ms 130ms 142: var bs []byte
20ms 20ms 143: if n > len(b) {
. . 144: bs = make([]byte, n)
. . 145: } else {
140ms 140ms 146: bs = b[:n]
. . 147: }
1s 7.33s 148: if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, bs); err != nil {
. . 149: return err
. . 150: }
2.01s 4.49s 151: switch data := data.(type) {
. . 152: case *int8:
. . 153: *data = int8(b[0])
. . 154: case *uint8:
. . 155: *data = b[0]
. . 156: case *int16:
. . 157: *data = int16(order.Uint16(bs))
. . 158: case *uint16:
. . 159: *data = order.Uint16(bs)
. . 160: case *int32:
. . 161: *data = int32(order.Uint32(bs))
. . 162: case *uint32:
. . 163: *data = order.Uint32(bs)
. . 164: case *int64:
. . 165: *data = int64(order.Uint64(bs))
. . 166: case *uint64:
510ms 3.15s 167: *data = order.Uint64(bs)
. . 168: case []int8:
. . 169: for i, x := range bs { // Easier to loop over the input for 8-bit values.
. . 170: data[i] = int8(x)
. . 171: }
. . 172: case []uint8:
. . 173: copy(data, bs)
. . 174: case []int16:
. . 175: for i := range data {
. . 176: data[i] = int16(order.Uint16(bs[2*i:]))
. . 177: }
. . 178: case []uint16:
. . 179: for i := range data {
. . 180: data[i] = order.Uint16(bs[2*i:])
. . 181: }
. . 182: case []int32:
. . 183: for i := range data {
. . 184: data[i] = int32(order.Uint32(bs[4*i:]))
. . 185: }
. . 186: case []uint32:
. . 187: for i := range data {
. . 188: data[i] = order.Uint32(bs[4*i:])
. . 189: }
. . 190: case []int64:
. . 191: for i := range data {
. . 192: data[i] = int64(order.Uint64(bs[8*i:]))
. . 193: }
. . 194: case []uint64:
. . 195: for i := range data {
. . 196: data[i] = order.Uint64(bs[8*i:])
. . 197: }
. . 198: }
210ms 210ms 199: return nil
. . 200: }
. . 201:
. . 202: // Fallback to reflect-based decoding. (rest ommitted)
view raw gistfile1.txt hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Because I'm only ever passing in uint64's, the only real functionality I'm using in this function is:

*data = order.Uint64(bs)

/* ---[ Optimization #1 ]--- */

But it's even worse. If you look back at varint.ReadVarIntToUint you'll see that I'm creating a bytes.Buffer and copying bytes into it only so that I can pass that Buffer (as an io.Reader) into the binary.Read function:

err = binary.Read(buf, binary.LittleEndian, &u)

which then immediately copies all those bytes back out of the buffer:

if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, bs); err != nil {
    return err

So this is nothing but wasteful data copying and the heap allocations for it.

binary.Read also does a type switch where a good percentage of time is spent

     2.01s      4.49s    151:       switch data := data.(type) {

and, as stated, the only useful method ever called in it is:

 -->  460ms      2.76s    167:          *data = order.Uint64(bs)

So I should try just calling binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(bs) directly.

Here's the revised varint.ReadVarIntToUint function (with everything inlined for easier reading and profiling analysis):

func ReadVarIntToUint(r io.Reader) (uint64, error) {
var (
varbs []byte
ba [1]byte
u uint64
n int
err error
varbs = make([]byte, 0, 10)
/* ---[ read in all varint bytes ]--- */
for {
n, err = r.Read(ba[:])
if err != nil {
return 0, oerror.NewTrace(err)
if n != 1 {
return 0, oerror.IncorrectNetworkRead{Expected: 1, Actual: n}
varbs = append(varbs, ba[0])
if IsFinalVarIntByte(ba[0]) {
varbs = append(varbs, byte(0x0))
/* ---[ decode ]--- */
var right, left uint
finalbs := make([]byte, 8)
idx := 0
for i := 0; i < len(varbs)-1 && idx < 8; i++ {
right = uint(i) % 8
left = 7 - right
if i == 7 {
vbcurr := varbs[i]
vbnext := varbs[i+1]
x := vbcurr & byte(0x7f)
y := x >> right
z := vbnext << left
finalbs[idx] = y | z
u = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(finalbs)
return u, nil

This change also removes the padTo8Bytes method that wrote one byte at a time to the bytes.Buffer and took >3% of program time itself.

Now let's rerun the benchmarks:

Run 1: real  0m27.182s
Run 2: real  0m27.053s
Run 3: real  0m28.200s
Run 4: real  0m25.762s
Run 5: real  0m26.031s
Run 6: real  0m26.813s

Avg ± StdErr:  26.8 ± 0.4 sec

Outstanding! Throughput increased 5x (134.9/26.8). And using top, I see that the goroutines are consuming nearly all available CPU:

$ top -d1
12983 midpete+  20   0  352496   5768   2736 R 763.7  0.0   1:35.64 ogonori

$ top -d1 -H
  PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S %CPU %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                                                       
13231 midpete+  20   0  286960   5772   2744 R 97.5  0.0   0:22.51 ogonori                                                       
13225 midpete+  20   0  286960   5772   2744 R 91.7  0.0   0:22.47 ogonori                                                       
13227 midpete+  20   0  286960   5772   2744 R 90.7  0.0   0:23.09 ogonori                                                       
13232 midpete+  20   0  286960   5772   2744 S 90.7  0.0   0:22.26 ogonori                                                       
13235 midpete+  20   0  286960   5772   2744 R 90.7  0.0   0:09.72 ogonori                                                       
13230 midpete+  20   0  286960   5772   2744 R 88.7  0.0   0:22.14 ogonori                                                       
13233 midpete+  20   0  286960   5772   2744 R 73.1  0.0   0:22.70 ogonori                                                       
13228 midpete+  20   0  286960   5772   2744 R 71.2  0.0   0:22.39 ogonori                                                       
13229 midpete+  20   0  286960   5772   2744 R 70.2  0.0   0:23.09 ogonori 

I also used pprof to profile this run, so let's examine compare the cumulative top10 before and after:

Before (reprinted from above):

(pprof) top10 -cum
110.32s of 255.92s total (43.11%)
Dropped 171 nodes (cum <= 1.28s)
Showing top 10 nodes out of 36 (cum >= 25.50s)
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
         0     0%     0%    147.62s 57.68%  runtime.goexit
     2.94s  1.15%  1.15%    147.49s 57.63%  main.func·018
    19.20s  7.50%  8.65%    111.35s 43.51%  g/q/o/o/b/varint.ReadVarIntToUint
         0     0%  8.65%     77.81s 30.40%  GC
    45.98s 17.97% 26.62%     45.98s 17.97%  scanblock
     4.90s  1.91% 28.53%     38.48s 15.04%  runtime.newobject
    25.63s 10.01% 38.55%     33.58s 13.12%  runtime.mallocgc
     6.65s  2.60% 41.15%     31.39s 12.27%  g/q/o/o/b/varint.VarintEncode
         0     0% 41.15%     30.48s 11.91%  System
     5.02s  1.96% 43.11%     25.50s  9.96%  encoding/binary.Read


(pprof) top15 -cum
63680ms of 65970ms total (96.53%)
Dropped 33 nodes (cum <= 329.85ms)
Showing top 15 nodes out of 18 (cum >= 930ms)
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
    2280ms  3.46%  3.46%    64470ms 97.73%  main.func·018
         0     0%  3.46%    64470ms 97.73%  runtime.goexit
   17760ms 26.92% 30.38%    34190ms 51.83%  g/q/o/o/b/varint.ReadVarIntToUint
    5890ms  8.93% 39.31%    26370ms 39.97%  g/q/o/o/b/varint.VarintEncode
    8550ms 12.96% 52.27%    16360ms 24.80%  bytes.(*Buffer).Write
    9080ms 13.76% 66.03%    11500ms 17.43%  bytes.(*Buffer).Read
    1460ms  2.21% 68.24%     7550ms 11.44%  runtime.newobject
    4370ms  6.62% 74.87%     6090ms  9.23%  runtime.mallocgc
    5650ms  8.56% 83.43%     5650ms  8.56%  runtime.memmove
    4580ms  6.94% 90.37%     4580ms  6.94%  bytes.(*Buffer).grow
     680ms  1.03% 91.41%     1630ms  2.47%  bytes.(*Buffer).Reset
    1500ms  2.27% 93.68%     1500ms  2.27%  encoding/binary.littleEndian.Uint64
         0     0% 93.68%     1030ms  1.56%  GC
     950ms  1.44% 95.12%      950ms  1.44%  bytes.(*Buffer).Truncate
     930ms  1.41% 96.53%      930ms  1.41%  runtime.gomcache

More good news. In the previous version, GC was taking 30% of the total CPU time. Now, more than 90% of the time is now being spent in the two main workhorse methods: varint.ReadVarIntToUint and varint.VarintEncode. GC time has been reduced to 1.5%!

I suspect the reason that goroutines in the earlier code version only took 40-50% of a CPU is because GC was the contention point. Garbage Collection in golang is a stop-the-world affair, so all other threads are paused until it finishes. By reducing GC to only 1.5%, now the range-testing goroutines can spend far more time running - approaching 100%.

/* ---[ Optimization #2 ]--- */

Are there further improvements we can make? Since the program now spends 40% of its time in varint.VarintEncode, let's look at that function in detail:

(pprof) list varint.VarintEncode
5.89s 26.37s (flat, cum) 39.97% of Total
. . 40://
190ms 190ms 41:func VarintEncode(w io.Writer, v uint64) error {
230ms 4.35s 42: ba := [1]byte{}
410ms 410ms 43: nexp := 0
. . 44: ntot := 0
210ms 210ms 45: for (v & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF80) != 0 {
280ms 280ms 46: ba[0] = byte((v & 0x7F) | 0x80)
-> 2.51s 15.19s 47: n, _ := w.Write(ba[:])
420ms 420ms 48: ntot += n
360ms 360ms 49: nexp++
260ms 260ms 50: v >>= 7
. . 51: }
90ms 90ms 52: ba[0] = byte(v & 0x7F)
570ms 4.25s 53: n, err := w.Write(ba[:])
50ms 50ms 54: ntot += n
40ms 40ms 55: nexp++
80ms 80ms 56: if err != nil {
. . 57: return oerror.NewTrace(err)
. . 58: }
. . 59: if ntot != nexp {
. . 60: return fmt.Errorf("Incorrect number of bytes written." +
. . 61: " Expected %d. Actual %d", nexp, ntot)
. . 62: }
190ms 190ms 63: return nil
. . 64:}

Almost 75% of the time in this function is spent writing to the io.Writer (a bytes.Buffer). We write one byte at a time to it. Perhaps it would be better to write it all to a byte slice first and then issue one w.Write.

The new code is then:

func VarintEncode(w io.Writer, v uint64) error {
bs := make([]byte, 0, 10)
for (v & 0xffffffffffffff80) != 0 {
bs = append(bs, byte((v&0x7f)|0x80))
v >>= 7
bs = append(bs, byte(v&0x7f))
n, err := w.Write(bs)
if err != nil {
return oerror.NewTrace(err)
if n != len(bs) {
return fmt.Errorf("Incorrect number of bytes written. "+
"Expected %d. Actual %d", len(bs), n)
return nil

And the next round of benchmarks are:

real    0m38.899s
real    0m45.135s
real    0m38.047s
real    0m42.377s
real    0m32.894s
real    0m37.962s
real    0m38.926s
real    0m37.870s

Avg ± StdErr: 39.0 ± 1.2

Hmm, not good. It looks like this second revision caused my code to go backwards in performance by 30%. To be sure, I reverted the change and re-ran the benchmarks with only optimization #1 again: they returned to the ~25s/run timeframe I saw before. So it is true: this second change made things worse.

And the analysis of top agreed: the goroutines were no long using 90%+ CPU:

$ top -d1
  PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                                                      
22149 midpete+  20   0  286960   5776   2744 R 593.9  0.0   1:06.66 ogonori 

$ top -d1 -H
  PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S %CPU %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                                                       
22205 midpete+  20   0  229620   7812   2744 R 74.6  0.0   0:10.68 ogonori                                                       
22201 midpete+  20   0  229620   7812   2744 R 73.6  0.0   0:10.14 ogonori                                                       
22202 midpete+  20   0  229620   7812   2744 S 71.6  0.0   0:10.77 ogonori                                                       
22207 midpete+  20   0  229620   7812   2744 S 70.6  0.0   0:10.97 ogonori                                                       
22206 midpete+  20   0  229620   7812   2744 R 68.7  0.0   0:11.14 ogonori                                                       
22204 midpete+  20   0  229620   7812   2744 R 65.7  0.0   0:10.07 ogonori                                                       
22199 midpete+  20   0  229620   7812   2744 R 56.9  0.0   0:10.98 ogonori                                                       
22203 midpete+  20   0  229620   7812   2744 R 53.0  0.0   0:11.19 ogonori                                                       
22197 midpete+  20   0  229620   7812   2744 R 43.2  0.0   0:11.17 ogonori                                                       
22200 midpete+  20   0  229620   7812   2744 S 17.7  0.0   0:09.95 ogonori                                                       
22198 midpete+  20   0  229620   7812   2744 S  3.9  0.0   0:00.77 ogonori         

Let's look at the pprof data for revision #2:

(pprof) top10 -cum
59.31s of 86.44s total (68.61%)
Dropped 92 nodes (cum <= 0.43s)
Showing top 10 nodes out of 24 (cum >= 5.36s)
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
     1.95s  2.26%  2.26%     74.02s 85.63%  main.func·018
         0     0%  2.26%     74.02s 85.63%  runtime.goexit
    20.71s 23.96% 26.21%     44.80s 51.83%  g/q/o/o/b/varint.ReadVarIntToUint
     5.57s  6.44% 32.66%     24.39s 28.22%  g/q/o/o/b/varint.VarintEncode
       15s 17.35% 50.01%     18.71s 21.65%  bytes.(*Buffer).Read
     5.64s  6.52% 56.54%     13.46s 15.57%  runtime.makeslice
         0     0% 56.54%      8.39s  9.71%  GC
     5.86s  6.78% 63.32%      8.23s  9.52%  runtime.mallocgc
     2.48s  2.87% 66.18%      7.82s  9.05%  runtime.newarray
     2.10s  2.43% 68.61%      5.36s  6.20%  bytes.(*Buffer).Write

Now GC is back up to nearly 10% of the total running time. So let's look at the profile of the VarintEncode function we changed:

(pprof) list VarintEncode
Total: 1.44mins
   5.57s     24.39s (flat, cum) 28.22% of Total
       .          .     40://
   290ms      290ms     41:func VarintEncode(w io.Writer, v uint64) error {
   550ms     14.01s     42: bs := make([]byte, 0, 10)
   170ms      170ms     43: for (v & 0xffffffffffffff80) != 0 {
   2.04s      2.04s     44:     bs = append(bs, byte((v&0x7f)|0x80))
   320ms      320ms     45:     v >>= 7
       .          .     46: }
   680ms      680ms     47: bs = append(bs, byte(v&0x7f))
       .          .     48:
   1.20s      6.56s     49: n, err := w.Write(bs)
   120ms      120ms     50: if err != nil {
       .          .     51:     return oerror.NewTrace(err)
       .          .     52: }
       .          .     53: if n != len(bs) {
       .          .     54:     return fmt.Errorf("Incorrect number of bytes written. Expected %d. Actual %d", len(bs), n)
       .          .     55: }
   200ms      200ms     56: return nil
       .          .     57:}

We can see that 58% of the time of this method is spent allocating new memory (the []byte slice on line 42), thereby causing GC to take longer. Here's why - if you look at the implementation of bytes.Buffer, you'll see that it has a fixed bootstrap array it allocates to handle small buffers and another fixed byte array (runeBytes) to handle writes to WriteByte; both of these allow it to avoid memory allocation for small operations.

type Buffer struct {
buf []byte // contents are the bytes buf[off : len(buf)]
off int // read at &buf[off], write at &buf[len(buf)]
runeBytes [utf8.UTFMax]byte // avoid allocation of slice on each WriteByte or Rune
bootstrap [64]byte // memory to hold first slice; helps small buffers avoid allocation.
lastRead readOp // last read operation, so that Unread* can work correctly.
view raw bytes.Buffer.go hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Since my test code is reusing the same bytes.Buffer for each iteration, no new allocations were occurring during each call to varint.VarintEncode. But with this second revision I'm creating a new byte slice of capacity 10 in each round. So this change should be reverted.

/* ---[ Lessons Learned ]--- */

When you have an algorithm that you think should be CPU bound and your threads are not using ~100% CPU, then you have contention somewhere. In many scenarios that will be IO wait. But if you have no IO in that portion of your app, then you either have hidden thread contention (mutexes) and/or you may have a lot of garbage collection happening, which pauses all your worker threads/goroutines while GC is happening. Use the pprof tool to determine where time is being spent.

For performance sensitive algorithms, you will want to be garbage free in the main path as much as possible.

Once you know where the time is going, you should generally go after the largest bottleneck first. There's always a primary bottleneck somewhere. Removing the bottleneck in one place causes it to move to another. In my case, I wanted that bottleneck to just be CPU speed (or as is often the case, the time to get data from main memory or a CPU cache into a register).

A big lesson learned here is to be wary of convenience methods in Go's standard library. Many are provided for convenience, not performance. The binary.Read(buf, binary.LittleEndian, &u) call in my case is one such example. The third parameter to binary.Read is of type interface{}, so a type switch has to be done to detect the type. If your code is only ever passing in one type (uint64 in my case), then go read the stdlib code and figure out if there is a more direct method to call. That change contributed to a 5x throughput improvement in my case!

Next, be careful of too much data copying. While the io.Writer is a nice interface, if you are working with byte slices and want to pass it to some stdlib method that requires io.Writer, you will often copy the data into a bytes.Buffer and pass that in. If the function you call copies those bytes back out to yet another byte slice, then garbage is being generated and time is being wasted. So be aware of what's happening in the methods you call.

Finally, always measure carefully before and after any attempted optimizations. Intuition about where bottlenecks are and what will speed things up are often wrong. The only thing of value is to measure objectively. To end I'll quote "Commander" Pike:

Rule 1. You can't tell where a program is going to spend its time. Bottlenecks occur in surprising places, so don't try to second guess and put in a speed hack until you've proven that's where the bottleneck is. --Rob Pike's 5 Rules of Programming

/* ---[ Misc Appendix Notes ]--- */

The overall int64 space will still take too long to run even with these improvements, so I've settled for sampling from the state space instead.

All benchmark comparisons done were statistically significant (p<0.01) using Student's t-test, as analyzed with this tool: The mean and standard errors were also calculated here.

I notice that even with my best optimization (#1), there is still a ninth thread using >70% CPU. I used kill -QUIT on the program to get a stack dump of all the goroutines. I get 10 go routines - the 8 doing the fnRangeTester work, one waiting on the WaitGroup and the main goroutine which is waiting on the range failchan line. So I'm not sure what that 9th thread is doing churning up 50-70% CPU. Anyone know how to tell?

[Update - 08-July-2015]

In the comments, Carlos Torres asked for the pprof line-by-line output of the ReadVarIntToUint function after the first optimization. I did two profiling runs and compared the pprof outputs and they were both nearly identical. Here is one of them:

(pprof) list ReadVarIntToUint
Total: 1.13mins
ROUTINE ======================== g/q/o/o/b/varint.ReadVarIntToUint 
 18.20s     35.45s (flat, cum) 52.08% of Total
      .          .     25://
  480ms      480ms     26:func ReadVarIntToUint(r io.Reader) (uint64, error) {
      .          .     27:    var (
  270ms      270ms     28:        varbs []byte
  120ms      3.84s     29:        ba    [1]byte
      .          .     30:        u     uint64
      .          .     31:        n     int
  180ms      180ms     32:        err   error
      .          .     33:    )
      .          .     34:
  260ms      260ms     35:    varbs = make([]byte, 0, 10)
      .          .     36:
      .          .     37:    /* ---[ read in all varint bytes ]--- */
      .          .     38:    for {
  3.84s     15.72s     39:        n, err = r.Read(ba[:])
  530ms      530ms     40:        if err != nil {
      .          .     41:            return 0, oerror.NewTrace(err)
      .          .     42:        }
   10ms       10ms     43:        if n != 1 {
      .          .     44:            return 0, oerror.IncorrectNetworkRead{Expected: 1, Actual: n}
      .          .     45:        }
  3.21s      3.21s     46:        varbs = append(varbs, ba[0])
  980ms      980ms     47:        if IsFinalVarIntByte(ba[0]) {
  570ms      570ms     48:            varbs = append(varbs, byte(0x0))
      .          .     49:            break
      .          .     50:        }
      .          .     51:    }
      .          .     52:
      .          .     53:    /* ---[ decode ]--- */
      .          .     54:
      .          .     55:    var right, left uint
      .          .     56:
  620ms      620ms     57:    finalbs := make([]byte, 8)
      .          .     58:
      .          .     59:    idx := 0
  1.08s      1.08s     60:    for i := 0; i < len(varbs)-1; i++ {
  360ms      360ms     61:        right = uint(i) % 8
   20ms       20ms     62:        left = 7 - right
  230ms      230ms     63:        if i == 7 {
      .          .     64:            continue
      .          .     65:        }
  840ms      840ms     66:        vbcurr := varbs[i]
  900ms      900ms     67:        vbnext := varbs[i+1]
      .          .     68:
  120ms      120ms     69:        x := vbcurr & byte(0x7f)
  670ms      670ms     70:        y := x >> right
  670ms      670ms     71:        z := vbnext << left
  650ms      650ms     72:        finalbs[idx] = y | z
  780ms      780ms     73:        idx++
      .          .     74:    }
      .          .     75:
  540ms      2.19s     76:    u = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(finalbs)
  270ms      270ms     77:    return u, nil
      .          .     78:}

If you compare it to the pprof before the optimization, the top half looks about the same, but the bottom half is dramatically different. For example, more than 30s was spent in binary.Read(&buf, binary.LittleEndian, &u) in the original version. The replacement code, binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(finalbs), only takes up about 2 seconds of processing time.

The only remaining spot I see for any further optimization is the 15s (out of 35s) spent in r.Read(ba[:]). The problem, however, is that with a varint you don't know how many bytes long it is in advance, so you have read and examine them one at a time. There is probably a way to optimize this, but I haven't attempted it yet.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Merkle Tree

I hit upon the need this week to do checkpointing in a data processing system that has the requirement that no data event can ever be lost and no events can be processed and streamed out of order. I wanted a way to auto-detect this in production in real time.

There are a couple of ways to do this, but since our data events already have a signature attached to them (a SHA1 hash), I decided that a useful way to do the checkpoint is basically keep a hash of hashes. One could do this with a hash list, where a chain of hashes for each data element is kept and when a checkpoint occurs the hash of all those hashes in order is taken.

A disadvantage of this model is if the downstream system detects a hash mismatch (either due to a lost message or messages that are out-of-order) it would then have to iterate the full list to detect where the problem is.

An elegant alternative is a hash tree, aka a Merkle Tree named after its inventor Ralph Merkle.

/* ---[ Merkle Trees ]--- */

Merkle trees are typically implemented as binary trees where each non-leaf node is a hash of the two nodes below it. The leaves can either be the data itself or a hash/signature of the data.

Thus, if any difference at the root hash is detected between systems, a binary search can be done through the tree to determine which particular subtree has the problem. Thus typically only log(N) nodes need to be inspected rather than all N nodes to find the problem area.

Merkle trees are particularly effective in distributed systems where two separate systems can compare the data on each node via a Merkle tree and quickly determine which data sets (subtrees) are lacking on one or the other system. Then only the subset of missing data needs to be sent. Cassandra, based on Amazon's Dynamo, for example, uses Merkle trees as an anti-entropy measure to detect inconsistencies between replicas.

The Tree Hash EXchange format (THEX) is used in some peer-to-peer systems for file integrity verification. In that system the internal (non-leaf) nodes are allowed to have a different hashing algorithm than the leaf nodes. In the diagram below IH=InternalHashFn and LH=LeafHashFn.

The THEX system also defines a serialization format and format for dealing with incomplete trees. The THEX system ensures that all leaves are at the same depth from the root node. To do that it "promotes" nodes. That is when a parent only has one child, it cannot does not take a hash of the child hash; instead it just "inherits" it. If that is confusing, think of the Merkle tree as being built from the bottom up: all the leaves are present and hashes of hashes are built until a single root is present.

Notation: The first token is a node label, followed by a conceptual value for the hash/signature of the node. Note that E, H and J nodes all have the same signature, since they only have one child node.

/* ---[ Merkle Tree as Checkpoint Data ]--- */

I recently published my implementation of a Merkle Tree:

Before I describe the implementation, it will help to see the use case I'm targeting.

The scenario above is a data processing pipeline where messages flow in one direction. All the messages that come out of A go into B and are processed and transformed to some new value-added structure and sent on to C. In between are queues to decouple the systems.

Throughput needs to be as high as possible and every message that comes out of A must be processed by B and sent to C in the same order. No data events can be lost or reordered. System A puts a signature (a SHA1 hash) into the metadata of the event and that metadata is present on the message event that C receives.

To ensure that all messages are received and in the correct order, a checkpoint is periodically created by A, summarizing all the messages sent since the last checkpoint. That checkpoint message is put onto the Queue between A and B; B passes it downstream without alteration so that C can read it. Between checkpoints, system C keeps a running list of all the events it has received so that it can compute the signatures necessary to validate what it has received against the checkpoint message that periodically comes in from A.

/* ---[ My Implementation of a Merkle Tree ]--- */

The THEX Merkle Tree design was the inspiration for my implementation, but for my use case I made some simplifying assumptions. For one, I start with the leaves already having a signature. Since THEX is designed for file integrity comparisons, it assumes that you have segmented a file into fixed size chunks. That is not the use case I'm targeting.

The THEX algorithm "salts" the hash functions in order to ensure that there will be no collisions between the leaf hashes and the internal node hashes. It concatenates the byte 0x01 to the internal hash and the byte 0x00 to the leaf hash:

internal hash function = IH(X) = H(0x01, X)
leaf hash function = LH(X) = H(0x00, X)

It is useful to be able to distinguish leaf from internal nodes (especially when deserializing), so I morphed this idea into one where each Node has a type byte -- 0x01 identifies an internal node and 0x00 identifies a leaf node. This way I can leave the incoming leaf hashes intact for easier comparison by the downstream consumer.

So my MerkleTree.Node class is:

static class Node {
  public byte type;  // INTERNAL_SIG_TYPE or LEAF_SIG_TYPE
  public byte[] sig; // signature of the node
  public Node left;
  public Node right;

/* ---[ Hash/Digest Algorithm ]--- */

Since the leaf nodes are being passed in, my MerkleTree does not know (or need to know) what hashing algorithm was used on the leaves. Instead it only concerns itself with the internal leaf node digest algorithm.

The choice of hashing or digest algorithm is important, depending if you want to maximize performance or security. If one is using a Merkle tree to ensure integrity of data between peers that should not trust one another, then security is paramount and a cryptographically secure hash, such as SHA-256, Tiger, or SHA-3 should be used.

For my use case, I was not concerned with detecting malicious tampering. I only need to detect data loss or reordering, and have as little impact on overall throughput as possible. For that I can use a CRC rather than a full hashing algorithm.

Earlier I ran some benchmarks comparing the speed of Java implementations of SHA-1, Guava's Murmur hash, CRC32 and Adler32. Adler32 ( was the fastest of the bunch. The typical use case for the Adler CRC is to detect data transmission errors. It trades off reliability for speed, so it is the weakest choice, but I deemed it sufficient to detect the sort of error I was concerned with.

So in my implementation the Adler32 checksum is hard-coded into the codebase. But if you want to change that we can either make the internal digest algorithm injectable or configurable or you can just copy the code and change it to use the algorithm you want.

The rest of the code is written to be agnostic of the hashing algorithm - all it deals with are the bytes of the signature.

/* ---[ Serialization / Deserialization ]--- */

My implementation has efficient binary serialization built into the MerkleTree and an accompanying MerkleDeserializer class that handles the deserialization.

I chose not to use the Java Serialization framework. Instead the serialize method just returns an array of bytes and deserialize accepts that byte array.

The serialization format is:


where (foo:type) indicates the name (foo) and the type/size of the serialized element. I use a magic header of 0xcdaace99 to allow the deserializer to be certain it has received a valid byte array.

The next number indicates the number of nodes in the tree. Then follows an "array" of numnodes size where the elements are the node type (0x01 for internal, 0x00 for leaf), the length of the signature and then the signature as an array of bytes siglength long.

By including the siglength field, I can allow leaf nodes signatures to be "promoted" to the parent internal node when there is an odd number of leaf nodes. This allows the internal nodes to use signatures of different lengths.

/* ---[ Usage ]--- */

For the use case described above, you can imagine that system A does the following:

List<String> eventSigs = new ArrayList<>();

while (true) {
  Event event = receiveEvent();
  String hash = computeHash(event);
  // ... process and transmit the message to the downstream Queue
  sendToDownstreamQueue(hash, event);


  if (isTimeForCheckpoint()) {
    MerkleTree mtree = new MerkleTree(eventSigs);
    byte[] serializedTree = mtree.serialize();

And system C would then do something like:

List<String> eventSigs = new ArrayList<>();

while (true) {
  Event event = receiveEvent();

  if (isCheckpointMessage(event)) {
    MerkleTree mytree = new MerkleTree(eventSigs);

    byte[] treeBytes = event.getDataAsBytes();
    MerkleTree expectedTree = MerkleDeserializer.deserialize(treeBytes);
    byte[] myRootSig = mytree.getRoot().sig;
    byte[] expectedRootSig = expectedTree.getRoot().sig;
    if (!signaturesAreEqual(myRootSig, expectedRootSig)) {
      evaluateTreeDifferences(mytree, expectedTree);
      // ... send alert

  } else {
    String hash = event.getOriginalSignature();
    // .. do something with event

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Hooking up Kafka to Storm with the KafkaSpout in Storm 0.9.3

I have recently published a code example for using the Kafka Spout that is now part of Storm 0.9.3. After wasting a day fighting with incompatible logging frameworks between Kafka and Storm, I found an example project in Scala that had the necessary exclusions to get the uber-jar to run in Storm cluster mode. I've converted that example to Java and Maven, rather than Scala and sbt, and considerably simplified the examples so you can focus on just one thing: getting Kafka hooked up to Storm using the KafkaSpout.

The code repo is here:

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Updated microbenchmarks for Java String tokenization

I've been focusing a lot on Java performance lately and ran across a Programmers StackExchange post asking the most efficient way to tokenize a string in Java. It struck a nerve with me because the most common way to do this is to use String#split. But the split method takes as its tokenization delimiter a string that gets compiled into a regular expression. Which seems nice when you need it, but likely to be rather inefficient if all you need is to split on a character, such as a space. Then I looked up the old StringTokenizer class which I used to use years and years ago. And its Javadoc has this interesting tidbit:

StringTokenizer is a legacy class that is retained for compatibility reasons although its use is discouraged in new code. It is recommended that anyone seeking this functionality use the split method of String or the java.util.regex package instead.

Strangely, however, the accepted answer for the StackExchange question links to a blog post that shows benchmarks claiming that StringTokenizer is faster than String#split. So why shouldn't I use StringTokenizer if I don't need a regex to split a string into fields?

/* ---[ Someone is wrong on the internet ]--- */

Someone is wrong on the internet

Well, that blog post needs to be updated for two reasons:

  1. it used Java 6, so we need to see whether things are different in Java 7 and 8
  2. microbenchmarks are hard to do correctly and the author used questionable means (for example - there is not much warm up time and his timings are awfully short)

The difficulty of doing accurate microbenchmarks has been greatly assuaged by the creation of the JMH benchmark tool. If you haven't adopted it yet, put it at the top your technical TODO list. The documentation is excellent and it comes with many useful samples.

/* ---[ Splitting a Java string into tokens ]--- */

Of the techniques used in the original post, I am interested in four candidates:

  1. tokenize the string yourself with String#indexOf
  2. use String#split
  3. use the almost deprecated StringTokenizer
  4. use Guava's Splitter

Here are the reported outcomes of the earlier measurements for these 4 options:

IndexOf: 50ms
StringTokenizer: 89ms
GuavaSplit: 109ms
Split: 366ms

I reran the author's exact code on my system using Java 7 and got the following:

IndexOf: 52ms
StringTokenizer: 104ms
GuavaSplit: 119ms
Split: 145ms

So using his benchmark technique, I got the same ordering, though the ratios have changed a bit. In Java 7, split is only 3 times slower than index, rather than 7 times slower.

/* ---[ What does JMH say? ]--- */

I mildly rewrote these benchmarks using JMH. I also made longer strings to tokenize, rather than the two token string used by the blog post author, as that seemed a more realistic data set. And I used three strings, instead of one:

String[] lines = new String[]{
    "0000 12 34 5 666 77 88888 99",
    "aa bb cc dd ee ff gg hh ii jj kk ll mm nn oo pp qq rr ss tt uu vv ww xx yy zz",
    "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod"

The JMH based benchmark code is listed below. The results are rather interesting. In the original benchmarks raw time is measure, so lower is better. With JMH, I measured throughput (the default metric) in operations/second, so higher is better:

With Java 7 (1.7.0_60-b19) the results were:

m.JavaStringSplits.indexOf           thrpt    10  840.147 ± 28.553 ops/ms
m.JavaStringSplits.javaSplit         thrpt    10  694.870 ±  3.858 ops/ms
m.JavaStringSplits.stringTokenizer   thrpt    10  473.812 ±  8.422 ops/ms
m.JavaStringSplits.guavaSplit        thrpt    10  392.759 ±  8.707 ops/ms

And with Java 8 (1.8.0_20-ea):

m.JavaStringSplits.indexOf           thrpt    10  827.136 ± 30.831 ops/ms
m.JavaStringSplits.javaSplit         thrpt    10  700.809 ±  7.215 ops/ms
m.JavaStringSplits.stringTokenizer   thrpt    10  480.788 ± 16.793 ops/ms
m.JavaStringSplits.guavaSplit        thrpt    10  386.398 ±  5.323 ops/ms

With the presumably more robust and accurate JMH model of measuring microbenchmarks, String#split moved up the ranks and handily outperforms both StringTokenizer and Guava Splitter.

My hand-coded splitter using indexOf was about 18% "faster" (higher throughput) than Java#split, so we do see some overhead in Java#split, but for most scenarios I conclude that the Javadoc for StringTokenizer is correct: use String#split for most scenarios unless you know that 1) you don't need regular expressions to tokenize and 2) string splitting is your bottleneck.

A follow-up set of tests that could be done would be on very large strings. In his Letter the Caller Choose Mechanical Sympathy post from a few years ago, Martin Thompson advocated devising an API where you pass in the datastructure to be populated during the tokenization, rather than relying one to be created in the underlying tokenization method and passed back to you. He states (but does not demonstrate):

In the Java world this idiom becomes critical to performance when large arrays are involved.

/* ---[ Find the flaw ]--- */

One of my favorite interview questions is to put a piece of code in front of someone and say "find the flaws". And Aleksey Shipilëv, the author of JMH, states:

Your [JMH] benchmarks should be peer-reviewed.

Mine have not been, so I throw it out to the internet to find the flaws in my quick analysis.

/* ---[ The code and setup ]--- */

package mechsympathy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Fork;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Measurement;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.OutputTimeUnit;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Scope;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.State;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Warmup;
import org.openjdk.jmh.infra.Blackhole;
@Warmup(iterations = 4, time = 1, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
@Measurement(iterations = 5, time = 1, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
public class JavaStringSplits {
public static class StringState {
String[] lines = new String[]{
"0000 12 34 5 666 77 88888 99",
"aa bb cc dd ee ff gg hh ii jj kk ll mm nn oo pp qq rr ss tt uu vv ww xx yy zz",
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod"
public static void javaSplit(StringState ss, Blackhole bh) {
for (String ln: ss.lines) {
String[] toks = ln.split(" ");
public static void indexOf(StringState ss, Blackhole bh) {
for (String ln: ss.lines) {
List<String> ls = new ArrayList<String>();
int pos = 0;
int idx = 0;
while (true) {
idx = ln.indexOf(' ', pos);
if (idx < 0) {
ls.add(ln.substring(pos, ln.length()));
ls.add(ln.substring(pos, idx));
pos = idx + 1;
public static void stringTokenizer(StringState ss, Blackhole bh) {
for (String ln: ss.lines) {
List<String> ls = new ArrayList<String>();
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(ln, " ");
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
public static void guavaSplit(StringState ss, Blackhole bh) {
for (String ln: ss.lines) {
List<String> ls = new ArrayList<String>();
Splitter split = Splitter.on(" ");
Iterator<String> it = split.split(ln).iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- JMH deps -->
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
Shading signed JARs will fail without this.
view raw pom.xml hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Benchmarks were performed on:

Ubuntu (Xubuntu) 14.04 LTS with 3.13.0-37 Linux kernel with 8 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz cores.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Rust namespaces by example

/* ---[ Cheat sheet for Rust namespaces ]--- */

Rust namespaces can be a little mind-bending. This brief blog post is meant to provide instruction by example on setting up an application or library of Rust code that uses multiple files in a hierarchical namespace.

Though the current docs-project-structure guide on the Rust wiki is pretty sparse, you should start there. Then read the section on Crates and Modules in the tutorial.

I used those references plus an examination of how files and namespaces in the libstd code tree are structured to come up with this example.

In this simple example, I want to have an application where things are namespace to the top level module abc. I want to have a couple of files (namespaces) under abc, some additional directories (namespaces) below abc, such as abc::xyz and have modules in the abc::xyz namespace. Furthermore, I want all those namespaces to be able to refer to each - both down the chain and up the chain.

Here is a simple example that illustrates how to do it. I am using Rust-0.10pre (built 16-Mar-2014).

First, I have a project I called "space-manatee", under which I have a src directory and then my code hierarchy starts:

quux00:~/rustlang/space-manatee/src$ tree
├── abc
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └── xyz
│       ├──
│       └──

2 directories, 6 files

To provide a namespace foo in Rust, you can either create a file called or a dir/file combo of foo/ The content of my abc/ is:

quux00:~/rustlang/space-manatee/src$ cat abc/ 
pub mod thing;
pub mod wibble;
pub mod xyz;

All this module does is export other modules in the same directory. It could have additional code in it - functions and data structures, but I elected not to do that.

xyz is a directory, and since I created the xyz/ dir/file combo, it is a namespace that can be used and exported.

Let's look into the other files:

quux00:~/rustlang/space-manatee/src$ cat abc/ 
extern crate time;

use time::Tm;

pub struct Thing1 {
    name: ~str,
    when: time::Tm,

pub fn new_thing1(name: ~str) -> ~Thing1 {
    ~Thing1{name: name, when: time::now()}
} pulls in the rustlang time crate and then defines a struct and constructor for it. It doesn't reference any other space-manatee code.

quux00:~/rustlang/space-manatee/src$ cat abc/ 
use abc::thing;
use abc::thing::Thing1;

pub struct Wibble {
    mything: ~Thing1

pub fn make_wibble() -> ~Wibble {
    ~Wibble{mything: thing::new_thing1(~"cthulu")}
}, however, does reference other space-manatee projects, so it uses the fully qualified namespace from the top of the hierarchy, but it does not have to explicitly "import" anything. It can find the thing namespace without a mod declaration because is in the same directory.

OK, let's look into the xyz directory now.

quux00:~/rustlang/space-manatee/src$ cat abc/xyz/ 
pub mod waldo;

That just exports the waldo namespace in the same directory. What's in waldo?

quux00:~/rustlang/space-manatee/src$ cat abc/xyz/ 
use abc::wibble::Wibble;

pub struct Waldo {
    magic_number: int,
    w: ~Wibble

The Waldo struct references the Wibble struct that is higher than it in the hierarchy. Notice there is no "import" via a mod statement - apparently going up the hierarchy requires no import.

So that's the supporting cast. Let's see how the program uses them:

quux00:~/rustlang/space-manatee/src$ cat 
extern crate time;

use abc::{thing,wibble};
use abc::thing::Thing1;
use abc::wibble::Wibble;
use abc::xyz::waldo::Waldo;

pub mod abc;

fn main() {
    let tg: ~Thing1 = thing::new_thing1(~"fred");

    let wb: ~Wibble = wibble::make_wibble();

    let wdo = Waldo{magic_number: 42,
                    w: wibble::make_wibble()};
    println!("{:?}", wdo);

The only mod "import" had to do is of the abc namespace - which is in the same directory as In fact, that is all you can import. If you try mod abc::thing the compiler will tell you that you aren't doing it right.

By importing abc, you are importing abc/ Go back up and look at what abc/ does - it imports other modules, which in turn import other modules, so they all end up being imported into as addressable entities.

Once all those import references are set up, nothing special has to be done to compile and run it:

quux00:~/rustlang/space-manatee/src$ rustc
quux00:~/rustlang/space-manatee/src$ ./main
  magic_number: 42,
  w: ~abc::wibble::Wibble{
    mything: ~abc::thing::Thing1{
      name: ~"cthulu",
      when: time::Tm{tm_sec: 21i32,
        tm_min: 26i32, tm_hour: 21i32, tm_mday: 17i32, tm_mon: 2i32,
        tm_year: 114i32, tm_wday: 1i32, tm_yday: 75i32, tm_isdst: 1i32,
        tm_gmtoff: -14400i32, tm_zone: ~"EDT", tm_nsec: 663891679i32

(I hand formatted the Waldo output for easier reading.)

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Select over multiple Rust Channels

/* ---[ Channels in Rust ]--- */

The channel paradigm for CSP-based concurrency has received a lot of attention lately since it is the foundational concurrency paradigm in Go and Clojure has embraced it with core.async. It turns out that Rust, the new language from Mozilla, also fully embraces channel-based message passing concurrency.

Both Go and Clojure's core.async have a select operation that allows your code to wait on multiple channels and respond to the first one that is ready. This is based, at least conceptually, on the Unix select system call that monitors multiple file descriptors.

Rust also has a select operation. And it has a select! macro to make using it easier. Here's an example:

use std::io::Timer;

fn use_select_macro() {
    let (ch, pt): (Sender<~str>, Receiver<~str>) = channel();

    let mut timer = Timer::new().unwrap();
    let timeout = timer.oneshot(1000);
    select! (
        s = pt.recv() => println!("{:s}", s),
        () = timeout.recv() => println!("timed out!")

Channels and Ports are now called Senders and Receivers in Rust. As with select in Go, if the Receiver called pt has a message come in before the 1 second timer goes off, its code block will execute. Otherwise, the timer's Receiver will be read from and its code block executed, printing "timed out".

Note that the select! macro uses parens, like a function call, not curly braces like a code block.

The select! macro is currently labelled experimental, since it has some limitations. One I hit this week is that it will fail (as in, not compile) if you embed the Receiver in a struct:

fn does_not_compile() {
    let (ch, pt): (Sender<~str>, Receiver<~str>) = channel();
    let a = A{c: ch, p: pt};

    let mut timer = Timer::new().unwrap();
    let timeout = timer.oneshot(1000);
    select! (
        s = a.p.recv() => println!("{:s}", s), 
        () = timeout.recv() => println!("time out!")

This fails with error: no rules expected the token '.'. I've filed an issue for it here:

/* ---[ Using the Rust Channel Select API ]--- */

The workaround is to use the Select API directly. Here's how you do it:

use std::comm::Select;
use std::io::Timer;

fn select_from_struct() {
    let (ch, pt): (Sender<~str>, Receiver<~str>) = channel();    
    let mut timer = Timer::new().unwrap();
    let timeout = timer.oneshot(1000);

    let a = A{c: ch, p: pt};

    let sel = Select::new();
    let mut pt = sel.handle(&a.p);
    let mut timeout = sel.handle(&timeout);
    unsafe { pt.add(); timeout.add(); }
    let ret = sel.wait();

    if ret == {
        let s = pt.recv();
        println!("ss: {:?}", s);
    } else if ret == {
        let () = timeout.recv();

It's a little more code, but fairly straightforward to follow. You wrap your Receivers in a select Handle and them add them add them to the Receiver set via the add method (which must be wrapped in an unsafe block). Each handle gets an id so you can discover which one returned first.

Finally you wait. When the wait returns you check the return id and execute the appropriate block of code, which starts by call recv on the Receiver to get the incoming value (if any).

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Debugging Rust with gdb

[Update]: This blog post has been updated to Rust 0.11 as of mid-April 2014. The previous version was for Rust 0.9.

This blog entry outlines the current state of my understanding of how to use the gdb debugger for Rust programs. As of this writing, I'm using:

$ rustc -v
rustc 0.11-pre-nightly (e332287 2014-04-16 00:56:30 -0700)
host: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

$ gdb --version
GNU gdb (GDB) 7.6.1-ubuntu

A caveat before we begin: I'm not an expert in gdb and I'm (now less of) a newbie at Rust. I'm cataloging my findings for both my own future reference and to help anyone who needs to see an example in action. I'd welcome feedback on tips for better ways to do this.

/* ---[ GDB ]--- */

I won't give a gdb tutorial. There are lots of good ones on the web, such as these:

/* ---[ The setup ]--- */

The example I'll use is modified from an example from cmr in this Rust issue: I've chosen this one because it shows jumping into both a regular (named) function and an anonymous closure.

The codebase consists of two files, both in the same directory:

pub fn quux00(x: || -> int) -> int {
    println!("DEBUG 123");


extern crate quux;

fn main() {
    let mut y = 2;
        let x = || {
            7 + y
        let retval = quux::quux00(x);
        println!("retval: {:?}", retval);
    y = 5;
    println!("y     : {:?}", y);

To compile them with debugging info included use the -g switch (this changed since version 0.9):

$ rustc -g --crate-type lib
$ rustc -g -L .

Start the bar program in gdb and let's set some breakpoints:

$ gdb bar
(gdb) break bar::main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4042c0: file, line 3.
(gdb) rbreak quux00
Breakpoint 2 at 0x43e760: file, line 1.
int quux::quux00(int ())(int ());
(gdb) info breakpoints
Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What
1       breakpoint     keep y   0x00000000004042c0 in bar::main at
2       breakpoint     keep y   0x000000000043e760 in quux::quux00 at

For the first breakpoint, I know the full path, so I just use break.

Sometimes correct full paths in Rust can be tricky, especially for functions that are parametized, so it can be easier to just use rbreak, which takes a regular expression. All functions that match the regex will have a breakpoint set.

The second breakpoint does have the word "quux00" in it, but it's been mangled. There's a way to change that in Rust, but let's move on for the moment.

/* ---[ Aside: rbreak ]--- */

In my playing around so far, I've been unable to use break to set a breakpoint for a function not in the file with the main method, so rbreak has been very useful.

The rbreak command is pretty powerful. According to the documentation, if you want to set a breakpoint for all functions, rbreak . will do the trick. You don't want to do this for a rust application, because there are hundreds of functions that get compiled in.

Instead, you'll want to limit the scope of the regex search by limiting the search to a single file with:

(gdb) rbreak

But again I've only gotten this to work for the "main" file. If I type rbreak it doesn't know what I'm talking about. Something for future research.

/* ---[ Let's debug ]--- */

So now we've got two breakpoints set, as indicated by the output from info breakpoints.

Let's start the debugging session:

(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/midpeter444/lang/rust/sandbox/debug/./bar
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/".
... deleted a bunch of info about threads starting up ...
Breakpoint 1, bar::main () at
3    fn main() {
(gdb) n
4        let mut y = 2;
(gdb) n
9            let retval = quux::quux00(x);
(gdb) list
4        let mut y = 2;
5        {
6            let x = || {
7                7 + y
8            };
9            let retval = quux::quux00(x);
10            println!("retval: {:?}", retval);
11        }
12        y = 5;
13        println!("y     : {:?}", y);
(gdb) p y
$1 = 2
(gdb) p x
$2 = {int ()} 0x7fffffffd4f8

Interesting that it seemed to skip lines 5-8 when I single stepped with n. But the x value was captured as an unnamed function, as you can see on the last line of the readout.

Now we are on line 8 (confirmed with the frame command below), so let's continue - our breakpoint on the quux00 function should now be tripped:

(gdb) frame
#0  bar::main () at
9            let retval = quux::quux00(x);
(gdb) c

Breakpoint 2, quux::quux00 (x={int ()} 0x7fffffffd500) at
1    pub fn quux00(x: || -> int) -> int {

Yes, it was tripped. Let's look around and single-step through it:

(gdb) frame
#0  quux::quux00 (x={int ()} 0x7fffffffd500) at
1    pub fn quux00(x: || -> int) -> int {
(gdb) list
1    pub fn quux00(x: || -> int) -> int {
2        println!("DEBUG 123");
3        x()
4    }
(gdb) s
2        println!("DEBUG 123");
(gdb) p x
$4 = {int ()} 0x7fffffffd390

OK, we're inside the quux00 method. We stepped over the first instruction (the println) and inspected the x param, which is our anonymous Rust closure. Let's continue by stepping into the closure and see if that works:

(gdb) n
3        x()
(gdb) s
fn1356 () at
6            let x = || {
(gdb) n
7                7 + y
(gdb) p y
$5 = 2
(gdb) n
bar::main () at
10            println!("retval: {:?}", retval);

Excellent. That worked and we even had line numbers. Now we are back in the outer main fn. BTW, note that the "anonymous" closure has a name: fn1356 - remember that name, we'll come back to it later.

It's an easy walk to the finish line from here:

(gdb) list
5        {
6            let x = || {
7                7 + y
8            };
9            let retval = quux::quux00(x);
10            println!("retval: {:?}", retval);
11        }
12        y = 5;
13        println!("y     : {:?}", y);
14    }
(gdb) p retval
$3 = 9
(gdb) n
(gdb) p y
$4 = 2
(gdb) c
retval: 9
y     : 5
[Inferior 1 (process 7007) exited normally]

/* ---[ Round 2: Set breakpoints on all methods in main file ]--- */

Let's start over and set breakpoints on all the functions in the file:

$ gdb bar
(gdb) rbreak
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4042c0: file, line 3.
static void bar::main();
Breakpoint 2 at 0x404520: file, line 6.
static int fn1356()();

Aah, there's the name again: fn1356. So that's another way to set a breakpoint on your closures. If we redo the session, we'll see that the breakpoint now gets tripped in the closure as it's being executed (from within the quux00 method):

(gdb) r
Starting program: /home/midpeter444/lang/rust/sandbox/debug/bar 
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/".

Breakpoint 1, bar::main () at
warning: Source file is more recent than executable.
3    fn main() {
(gdb) c

Breakpoint 2, fn1356 () at
6            let x = || {
(gdb) frame
#0  fn1356 () at
6            let x = || {
(gdb) n
7                7 + y
(gdb) p y
$1 = 2

/* ---[ Round 3: Demangle function names ]--- */

In the Rust 0.9 version of this post I showed how rust mangled the function names, but that seems to have gone away. You can still explicitly specify not to mangle function names like so:

pub fn quux00(x: || -> int) -> int {
    println("DEBUG 123");

I haven't tried anything really complicated with Rust in gdb yet, but hopefully these examples serve to get you going.